You have probably heard and maybe even lived by the adage: Two things never to talk about in company: religion and politics."
Recently when I got inside the Rendition Room , a speakeasy in Studio City, I was informed: "We do not allow cell phones, nor do we permit the discussion of religion or politics."
Some would prefer it that way, dreading an emotional outburst, or a passionate disagreement, one that might expose differences that feel irreparable.
Still, this year is an important year. We get told "There's a lot on the line. Perhaps even Democracy itself!" The news is extreme. And sometimes you get the feeling that the Media (television, internet, radio, print) is loving this. One man's name tunes everyone in. You love him. You hate him. You simply wish he would go away. You think there is a religious message in his being the potential candidate. We get to a point where there's no sense at all. Only raw nerves and deep feelings we hold close. It's a landmine.
So I get the suggestion, and most times I abide by it. I am a musician first, and I do not wish to court trolls, road rage, emotional episodes on my Facebook page.
It seemed a better idea to explore ideas here.
If you have read this far, maybe you wonder about my idea? Here goes:
Would it be possible to , as the adage goes, "Place principles above personalities?"
While the tabloid press hits us with ugly photos of each candidate, could we see past this?
After all, it's the Platform on which the candidate stands that will affect us directly.
If we were to take the issues that affect us directly, look at them, and then compare candidates' positions on these, would we be able to understand how future laws and bills might affect us, over the next decade?
So the questions become: 1. What really matters to you? 2. Why? 3. What does the future look like? 4. What is the darkest vision? 5. What is the brightest vision?
If I were to answer these questions, I would immediately have these responses.
I worry that we will leave a world full of plastic (in our oceans) that is continents full of ruined lands. Lands ruined by drilling, leaks, poisons, wars, and as a result, a world in which many beautiful creatures no longer exist, water is not safe to drink, and diseases are on the rise because the planet is not habitable.
I worry that children will not enjoy what I enjoyed. A fun and safe school to learn inside, to make friends, to play ball, to have ideas, to read books, to learn to sing, play an instrument, draw. To believe I could do anything I wanted to do with my life. And that education was free.
I worry that we might lose our precious oddities in architecture. The buildings and businesses that make each city unique. I don't like the idea of cities all looking the same. I like Mom and Pop businesses. Heck, I run one? I do not want to see the world overtaken by a few corporations who call the shots in terms of my food, my stores, my restaurants, my social life.
I do not want anyone telling me or my daughters what we must do with our bodies. If I were to find myself pregnant with a baby that was not alive, a complete terror situation, I would want to know I was not a criminal. I would want support, counseling, help to deal with this nightmare, not a prison sentence.
The immigration situation is hugely complex. When we look at the world, though, and see that there are countries that have been nearly bombed out of existence, can we blame anyone for needing a new home? I look at Syria. I look at Mariupol. Where do war refugees go? What do we do? I do not have an answer but I would love to hear a compassionate plan.
I do not like the idea of anyone remaining President for more than one term. Or two. There are laws and rules in our country to prevent dictatorship. I can't support anyone who doesn't support that S/he is not in this role "for life." I have some real issues with the Supreme Court for this reason. I wonder: should these justices remain.. for life?
I like the idea of paying into a system that will take care of me when I can no longer work. It just makes sense. It's scary to think of not having any support like this. As a musician, I know that later in life I might need Medicare and Social Security. I pay into those systems.
I want to feel a part of my government, involved. I want to feel my voice matters as much as any lobbyist. I do not want to feel despair about anything. I want to feel like there are things I can do. Little things. I wish there were more education on the little things I can do to make the world better. I feel like there is too much predicting and fear-mongering. I am sick of the Global Warming Climate Change anxiety. Enough. Tell me what I can do. Stop scaring me every day.
If you vote for someone I would never consider I am not going to hate you and ban you. But I would like to know how you feel on the issues. I would like to understand your stances. I would like to discuss without tempers, without any sense of one knowing more than the other.
Children matter to me. They are the number one reason why I am engaged. The children of the world. We have way too many weapons and not enough tools for peace. We have stockpiled more than we will ever use. I feel like the most important thing we can do is practice love in all affairs. But that love is muscular. It means doing things, acting in love.
So. Summing it up. This is about world view, I guess.
Some may counter my thought and say, "Well, aren't people like this already? Some will hold their nose and vote for T. because he will close the borders, enforce anti-abortion laws, crack down on crime, and "Make America great again?" And this might be a rigid and immovable set of stances.
What I would hope to do is move beyond this and try to understand. Why? Why do you feel this way? What is scaring you? What wakes you up at 4am?
Could we be friends enough to dig deeper into the platitudes and attitudes we carry to address fear and anxiety?
I will leave you with that question.
First of all, please let me correct you about our government being a democracy! That is untrue and I am so tired of hearing this terminology from both political parties ! We are a Constitutional Republic government in the USA! A constitutional republic is a form of government in which the authority of the state is derived from, and limited by, a constitution. It is a system of government in which the power of the people is balanced with the authority of elected representatives or other officials appointed by the people. In a constitutional republic, citizens have the right to elect their leaders, and those leaders are responsible for upholdin…