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Feef Mooney
Jan 304 min read
Resist and Have Fun
Hello, my Fellow Stress Mates. Look at us. What a year so far. I am writing to you specifically if you 1. Live in the LA area, and 2....
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Feef Mooney
Dec 10, 20244 min read
So. What IS the F CLUB, actually?
I won't forget November 6th, when the 4am wakings began to occur. My insomnia had settled down, but after the election, I found myself...
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Feef Mooney
Dec 3, 20243 min read
What is a Friend?
I wonder sometimes if words are used so frequently that they lose intensity, worn down like ocean pebbles. Because of social media, we...
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Feef Mooney
Nov 19, 20245 min read
So, we're two weeks into our despair, today. I went into the pomegranate bush and scratched myself up royally picking fruit with thorny...
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Feef Mooney
Nov 13, 20246 min read
The United States of America held its elections Tuesday ,November 5, 2024. It must be admitted that those of us who have stood by the...
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Feef Mooney
Oct 1, 20243 min read
How To Survive the Bad News Brigade
It seems we are not in a great place lately. Unless we are avoiding the news and sticking our fingers in our ears. Today, I read that...
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Feef Mooney
Sep 17, 20242 min read
The Listening Room is a Turn On
Personally, I think someone who listens is sexy. There's nothing like seeing a person you think is extraordinary, beautiful, wondrous to...
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Feef Mooney
Aug 27, 20243 min read
Doing What Feels Right
My photo is in a blur and often so is my mind. I have in my heart to be kind and compassionate, and damn, I lose it sometimes. The...
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Feef Mooney
Aug 6, 20241 min read
Rules for Dating a Female Musician
Don't take on role of advisor regarding her musical career. She's been doing it for a while. Don't ask to be in her band because you play...
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Feef Mooney
Jul 30, 20244 min read
How We Musicians Get In Our Own Way, or... My Personal Experience!
I've been listening to some fine music lately, and it's made me think about my own musical career. Having had a few cringeworthy...
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Feef Mooney
Jul 23, 20243 min read
The Twisties Meet Girl Power
Yesterday, I tuned in to Netflix and started watching the Simone Biles two-part doc. I learned a new word. And I found myself relating to...
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Feef Mooney
Jul 16, 20242 min read
Soft (R)Evolution and Sound
As you know, I don't want to fit in. And I don't want you to, either. You are what you are. Straight, gay, bisexual, bicurious, trans....
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Feef Mooney
Jul 9, 20242 min read
Love and Politics: A Cluster#$%!ing Time
I'll use my writing to talk sense to my emotional skeleton of a self, dangling like a broken hanger from a door. The story goes that...
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Feef Mooney
Jun 25, 20242 min read
Will I Ever Get Over Being Shy?
Whoever can understand why a person would not like herself? It makes no sense, particularly when you have been raised to believe in God,...
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Feef Mooney
Jun 18, 20243 min read
Why I'm NOT Leaving Los Angeles. Just yet.
I came here with a backpack, two guitars, comic book character t-shirts, a short kilt and one killer track, five potential albums. I came...
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Feef Mooney
Jun 11, 20242 min read
Musician? Your Reply is HUGE
Ok, Musician Friends of Mine. I need you. You might need me. I am not going to wax poetic this week. HELP ME HUGELY. Be in touch. Be...
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Feef Mooney
Jun 5, 20242 min read
If I Were a Bird
It’s shocking at times to admit what I have denied. Almost as though I could peel away my face, to reveal another layer. If I were a...
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Feef Mooney
May 28, 20243 min read
How We As Musos Can Help Each Other: First in Series
The other day I got an IM from a drummer who indicated that he really wasn't very busy and was looking for something to do. I admit I...
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Feef Mooney
May 21, 20243 min read
What Compels Me to Love a Musical Artist?
We've been talking about this question on FB this morning, so it seemed the appropriate topic to address in my blog today. I think we...
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Feef Mooney
May 14, 20244 min read
What's Good, What Sucks: The Bittersweet Lists
I've come to the conclusion, friends, that life is bittersweet. Whenever I feel like I've got it all, something stupid happens to trip me...
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