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Is Kindness Sleepiness?

Writer's picture: Feef MooneyFeef Mooney

I have a fear of getting "political." Why? There are a bunch of reasons.

  1. My best friend, the guy I have always been able to count on, in all kinds of emergencies, from cat deaths to cockroach attacks, is an ardent Donald J. Trump supporter. He is highly committed to right wing ideology, and invests a lot of time reading, researching and thinking about ideas. This is a highly emotional realm. I just don't go there. Because we connect on some many different levels. There is music. Food. The stars and physics. And stories of our childhoods. He is a good listener. He likes old movies as I do. He makes great popcorn. His presence in our house lifts the mood. He loves our cat. At times I feel I would be lost without him. Because he is KIND. We trust him with our house, our cat, our lives.

  2. Some of the most hospitable friends I have are people who support the President. I can go over, have a cup of tea, relax, but I can also pour my heart out about stuff that is going on in my life, and be truly heard, and, in the old days, hugged. I just don't go there. Because they are KIND people, and generous.

  3. People on the Left have asked me why I am friends with people who support DJT. I can't even go there. I love my liberal friends. I love their ideals. I love the work they do and I embrace their beliefs, and their fears. They are KIND people,too.

  4. Facebook is one of the few ways I seem to have to reach out and be in touch with so many people I care about but can't see. I am not a big ZOOM fan. I know. I need to embrace it. But on FB, people are NOT kind. There is free space to call anyone any name you would like. Cynicism and mockery can be found everywhere. You can swear and hate and lash out freely. You can call anyone you like the filthiest names and get an Amen from someone and a FUCK YOU from someone else. People who agree coalesce and let loose with their fears and their rage. I have been mean and called names too. But now I hesitate. Why? Because I want to be KIND.

So when, at a convention, the word KINDNESS comes up, and we hear about the soul of the nation, I don't have to think. I just FEEL that word. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all embrace KINDNESS? Not be so mean? is it a sleepy thing to relax and embrace people? To want to listen? To slow down? Because I think listening demands slowing down. Pausing.

I think that in order to be KIND, you have to slow down, and listen, and just get quiet. Getting quiet. Meditating. Not rushing to a conclusion. Not knowing everything. Being willing.

When I hear people talking about the ideals of a democracy, I feel KINDNESS. I feel hopeful. I think wouldn't it be great if we don't have to live in this hell of name calling and mistrusting and fearing what will happen next?

Am I naive to think we could have a better American mentality? Away from the paranoia and the blaming and the fear? Maybe? Maybe I am Sleepy. Maybe I am dreaming.

But I think of John Lennon: "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

Over the past four days, I started to feel like maybe I might not be the only one.

And I have started to hope, that with some effort, I might be able to wake up from the nightmares that have plagued me over the past three years, 4am.

That KIND of KINDNESS, the gentle way, could help me sleep better.

I'll take it.

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