Good Morning.
I have blogged before, and I am back again.
Because I realize that while I love connecting on FB and Insta, and perhaps may now even on X and TikTok, none of these affords the space to do the above ( see Title.)
I do believe it feels good to bitch and vent about what feels wrong in the world.
I don't believe it is nice to attack people, or to be a mean girl.
But I think sometimes it is appropriate to commend some people, for that invisible kind work they do to soften the edges.
I confess I am obsessional. I do not sleep great often. I am guilty of being a predictor of the end of the world, and a hypochondriac (my own end.)
I absolutely mourn the passing of cultural icons.
I hate Cancer. FUCK CANCER.
I grieve over the loss of cats and dogs and birds.
I do things impulsively. Buy skin creams and exercise machines, probiotics and how to books on .. well, lately, mocktails.
I have great dreams about what I am going to do. Visit new venues. Have dinner parties with the people I long to meet from FB.
Host house concerts again in the Bloomfield.
Go to the Grand Canyon by train.
Stay in every five star LA hotel, in my lifetime.
And then there is my own music. I go round and round about how and where to perform it.
Where? Who to Invite/ Who would want to come? Why?
I love making lists.
Lists mean possibilities. Lists mean order. Lists mean a place to start.
If you are reading this, and feel some of these things, I hope you feel you have a friend here.
Los Angeles is exciting, with everything you would ever want in multitudes.
But LA is transient, lonely, flaky, ever-changing and uncertain. Some say expensive. If you live here, well we have been round these lines of chat many times.
I am going to end abruptly here.
With the idea that I will blog every Tuesday. And hopefully not boringly blog.
My attitude is that writing will inspire more action on my part. A bit of extrovertism maybe?
Signing off as the rain clears, an introvert to the core, but manifesting love and possibilities?
Looking forward to Tuesfays!
Hi Feef! First found you a couple years ago and ordered 2 copies of your last CD. It was fun receiving them with special notes from you.😊 I’m glad you are writing your blog again, even if I don’t always keep up. Nice to know there are relatable people out there like yourself. I agree with practically everything you say. I have been mainly a visual artist most of my life, but have been exploring music the last few years, in the form of songwriting, singing, and ukulele. I also am quite an introvert, but find performing to be a thrill! I mostly just do it at open mics at this point. I would love to make recordings and put…